Regulatory Alert No.8

Industry Study: New California Regulations Should Help Reduce Runoff of Pyrethroid Insecticides into Urban Waterways

The interim results of a new study conducted by the Pyrethroid Working Group (PWG) indicate that new regulations can reduce potential pyrethroid insecticide runoff from structural pest control applications by as much as 50 fold, PWG officials announced today.

The results are important because today the new Surface Water Protection Regulations adopted by the California’s Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) go into effect.

These regulations will apply to all commercial applicators, including maintenance gardeners and 17 types of pyrethroids used by pest control businesses. Pyrethroids represent a category of ingredients used in insecticides to control ants, cockroaches, termites and other important residential pests.

To learn more about the PWG’s “Pathway ID” study and read today’s news release, please click here.

Regulatory Alert No.7

California DPR Issues News Release on Regulations

The California Department of Pesticide Regulation has just issued the following news release about its new surface water regulations, which go into effect tomorrow:

California Department of Pesticide Regulation NEWS 
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 18, 2012 (12-16)
Media contact: Lea Brooks or 916.445.3974

Department of Pesticide Regulation Announces New Restrictions to Protect Water Quality in Urban Areas

SACRAMENTO – Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) Director Brian R. Leahy announced that tomorrow new restrictions will take effect to limit where structural pest control businesses can apply pesticides in an effort to protect water quality in urban areas.

“These are the first regulations of their kind in California to protect water quality from structural pest control applications for ants, spiders and other pests around homes, other buildings and landscaped areas,” Leahy said.

“They significantly limit the amount of pesticides applied outdoors, especially to concrete and other hard surfaces more susceptible to runoff,” he continued. “The regulations also prohibit outdoor pest control applicators and maintenance gardeners from spraying when it rains or to standing water due to rainfall or watering. Applications over drains and natural drainage areas are also prohibited.”

The rules restrict the use of 17 pyrethroid insecticides applied by businesses and do not affect pesticide use by individual consumers. Pest control businesses and maintenance gardeners apply more than 70 percent of the pyrethroids targeted by the regulations.

“We expect to see a significant reduction in pesticide contamination in runoff from homes and other urban structures, driveways and landscaped areas,” Leahy said. “Many businesses are already following these practices on a voluntary basis.”

The regulations were prompted by continued detections of pyrethroids in urban waterways at levels toxic to some small aquatic organisms. Ongoing monitoring by DPR and other agencies will track the effectiveness of the new restrictions.

Although pesticide use is closely associated with agriculture, more than half of the pesticide products regulated by DPR are for commercial, industrial and home use. DPR encourages more environmentally friendly pest prevention and control strategies through grant funding and recognition.

The new regulations can be viewed here.

One of five departments and boards within the California Environmental Protection Agency, DPR regulates the registration, sale and use of pesticides and fosters reduced-risk pest management to protect people and the environment. Additional information about DPR is posted at

DPR is now on Facebook!

Regulatory Alert No.6

New California Regulations Coming July 19

The California Department of Pesticide Regulations (DPR) has issued its final new surface water regulations governing the use of pyrethroid pesticides by pest management professionals.

We would like to make you aware that there will be a number of important changes that will take place as of July 19, 2012. These include limiting or prohibiting certain types of applications. According to the regulations,”applications to vertical structural surfaces, such as walls, foundations, and fencing, must be made using only . . . (1) Spot treatment (2) Crack and crevice treatment (3) Pin stream treatment of one-inch wide or less (4) Perimeter band treatment up o a maximum of two feet above grade level.”

You will not be allowed to make broadcast applications to hard horizontal surfaces (such as driveways and concrete walkways). And PMPs applying granules will be required to sweep any granules that land on hard surfaces back onto the treatment site. Additional restrictions also apply.

The PWG is in the process of developing a news release will be posting an instructional YouTube video demonstrating examples of application methods that comply with the new regulations. We hope to post the video by the end of this month. So stay tuned.